The next morning finds Karen and me back at Fernan Lake, once again watching the water fowl doing their thing. This great blue heron is a lovey bird to watch as it glides effortlessly through the sky just above the water.

And then we notice something of a little drama unfold before us. There are several families of Canadian geese here and we noticed this one little one wandering around making all kinds of noise. It appears it has been separated from its family and was desperately trying to find its way back. I imagine it was calling out “Mama!! Mama!!” Or maybe it was yelling out “Marco!” Who really know? š

The little thing made its way to the water and then made a beeline for a family that is swimming nearby. At last, the little fella (?) will be safe and back with his family. The little guy swims happily along toward the flotilla of geese, calling out all along the way.

Well, apparently, this was not its family. One of the adults doesn’t take too kindly to this interloper trying to crash their family swim and bats it away, more than once. Karen and I were both caught off guard by this reaction as the brutal adult literally smacked the little one away from its family.

Rejected and dejected, the little one swims off again, looking for his family.

Finally it sees its family, the largest one on the lake! I think we counted upwards of 14 little ones in this group! Now we’re not sure if the little one got lost, or if it ran away looking for a smaller family where it might get more attention. I guess it decided that if the attention it got from that last family was any indication of what the world was like, it would just stay with its own family and make do. It rejoined the group and they swam away, one big happy family once again.

Once we met up with Janice, we decided on following a tip I got on FaceBook about a possible place to see moose in the area. So we headed off for St Maries ID and the St Joe river where I was told the moose were plentiful, just laying around in the fields all over the place. This sounds promising!
On our drive, we noticed an opening in the trees next to the river and could see a group of American white pelicans fishing, so we stopped to grab some shots. Sadly, they were quite a distance away from the road, but since they such large birds, that didn’t hamper us too much.

There were several of them floating around, but Karen caught this one just as it had nabbed its lunch. That’s a fish’s tail sticking out of its mouth. Aw, the circle of life (cue the music).

After the pelicans we made it to St Maries right around lunchtime. We ate at a place called My Kitchen and it was great. If you ever find yourself in St Maries ID, stop in and check it out!
After lunch we took a drive up the St Joe river, looking for the elusive moose! Next time…
Sharing God’s Creation, One Click at a Time
All words and photos copyright 2019 MHampton Photography
Equipment used: Canon 5DS-R, Canon 1DX II, Canon T6S, and various Canon lenses and Insta360 One X