While looking at my blog the other day I realized that it has been a while since I last updated or posted anything. My bad. I guess I can’t expect people to come here and view my photography or read what I have to say if I don’t actually post anything. Funny how that works.
So I was out back yesterday, waiting for something to come along when i looked up and saw a rather large bird flying over the field. At first I thought it was a vulture, but as it turned and started toward me, I realized it was a hawk. I had to look it up, and ask some friends on FaceBook’s Birds of Texas group, and it was identified as an immature red-shouldered hawk. While not a spectacular shot, I do like the sharpness of the eye as it watched me watching it as it flew over.

This was shot with the new Canon 5DS-R 52mp camera. I’ve been very happy with the camera thus far, even for wildlife shots. One thing it gives is the ability to crop to insane levels, which works well if your main audience is the web. Here is a 100% crop of the area around the eye.

The lens used was the Canon 100-400L (old version) and as you can see, even with older glass, the results are pretty impressive.
So, my goal is to keep this blog updated more. I’ll post, you read and enjoy. Is that a deal?