Welcome to part 5, or day 3 part 1 if you will. Today was our 31st anniversary and we celebrated by going horseback riding in the canyon. We selected Palo Duro Riding Stables for this because they have history here. They are a third generation operation, and we just loved everything we read about them. To jump to the end, we loved them and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for this experiance!

Karen was assigned to ride “Forrest”. The story behind his name is that when he was young, he had an issue with his legs and had to wear special braces. Once the braces were removed, he was so happy he just started running and someone yelled “Run, Forrest! Run!” The name stuck. He was a great horse!

We were blessed with a beautiful day for this ride. It wasn’t too hot and the trail meandered through areas of sun and shade. It also provided many magnificent views of the canyon!

During the ride we were regaled with tales of the canyon and the history of this family run business. There have been many of the Hollywood crowd that has gone through here over the years. One name that jumped out to me was Ben Johnson. He was an actor in many great western shows and movies in the past, and like us, originally from Oklahoma. If you have watched many westerns, you have likely seen him.

Michael’s horse was named “Coyote”. He was described as the herd’s alpha. Of course, they may have said that just to make Michael feel good. He was after all wearing his big hat. They also said that Coyote was a “union horse”, meaning that he decides to take union breaks whenever he feels like it. Any time we stopped he would need to take a moment to chew on whatever plant was nearby. A gentle nudge and he would be ready to go again though. His union breaks did present time for photo taking, so it wasn’t altogether a bad thing.

As you can tell from the above photo, Karen had a blast, as did Michael. We have watched a lot of westerns and always comment about what amazing animals horses are. They are so strong and endure so much, yet at the same time can be so fragile. We just love them.

According to their web site:
Jesse Sorenson is 3rd generation here at PDRS. Growing up in the saddle with a gun on his hip, Jesse spent his childhood entertaining folks from all over the world. Many of the horses in the PDRS herd are direct descendants from the horses that Jesse rode as a kid.

The trail leader for our ride was Kristin, Jesse’s wife and mother to their children. She had plenty of stories about the place and the many famous visitors they have had over the years. Both Jesse and Kristin were very friendly and again, I highly recommend their place if you want to see the canyon from horseback.

During the ride I noticed up on the rim of the canyon, three horses. We were amazed that there didn’t appear to be a fence along the canyon wall. But with that said, we found this to be a very picturesque scene.

As our trail ride was ending, we came to the pre-assigned “photo op” spot, where Jesse took one of our cameras and took this photo of us together on horseback. What a great memory for our anniversary! Apparently, Coyote has a habit of mugging for the camera and making faces any time a camera comes out, so several photos had to be taken before getting one without him making a crazy face. Don’t tell me that horses don’t have personalities!
Let us take this time to once again give a big thumbs up to Jesse and Kristin at Palo Duro Riding Stables. We could not have asked for a more friendly couple to take us riding on our anniversary. If you are in the area and want to take a ride through the canyon, I can’t recommend them enough! Check them out.
Next time, we’ll be chasing a sunset in the canyon.
See you then,
Michael & Karen
All words and photos copyright 2023 M Hampton Photography