Welcome to part 3!
After spending time at Fernan lake, we headed to pick up Janice. We then headed to Post Falls ID, which is between Coeur d’Alene and Spokane. I had mentioned I would like to find some waterfalls somewhere so obviously a place named Post “Falls” would seem like a likely place to find some.
Well, we got there and what we found wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but very cool and exciting nonetheless. Originally designed to power a lumber mill, the dam has been turned into a hydro-electric facility that provides power for miles around.

Of course, while we were there we took time for a group shot. I’m still getting the hang of this 360 camera but it gives some pretty cool views nonetheless.
Looking the other direction down the river you can see this beautiful arched bridge crossing the Spokane. Constructed in 1929 it serves as the only means of getting to Avista Island (to the left) for maintenance of the dam.

Karen caught my better side while I was shooting the bridge. This is what happens when you take the best vantage point for your photo leaving your wife to make do.

In the mean-time, Karen found some ducks at the park. This drake was being chased by a female. He wasn’t having any part of it and jumped in the water to get away. She remained right behind him as he swam away.

After chasing the ducks, Karen emerged from the woods and I was able to catch her good side.

After spending some time at the park we needed to let Janice take care of some puppy-sitting business for a friend in town. Lucky for us, this house was near access to the Spokane river and Janice told us to go play and come back for her later. When we entered the area there were signs warning of moose in the area so once more, we got our hopes up. We found birds instead, which we love, but a moose would have been great.
This black capped chickadee looks a lot like the Carolina chickadees in my back yard, but slightly different. So, a lifer for me to add to my list. This one must have been hungry because it had just caught a juicy morsel.

Of course, while I was chasing birds, Karen found more flowers. I believe this is another blue bonnet, even if it is mostly purple. I had no idea they grew this far north.

After walking around a while, and not seeing any moose, Karen and I found a park bench along the banks of the Spokane River and decided to sit and relax a bit. It was very peaceful here and we enjoyed our time.
And while we were sitting on the park bench relaxing, this strange looking bird caught my eye. I was able to sneak up close enough to capture a few images before it jumped down and scurried into the brush. I recognized it as a quail from the forehead feather, but it wasn’t until later that a friend identified it for me as a California quail. Add another new one to the list!

And that about does it for this day and for part 3. Come back for part 4 and our hunt for the elusive moose!
Sharing God’s Creation, One Click at a Time
All words and photos copyright 2019 MHampton Photography
Equipment used: Canon 5DS-R, Canon 1DX II, Canon T6S, and various Canon lenses and Insta360 One X